Thyroid cancer rates near NYC-area nuclear plant soaring

Click here to read article in the Journal of Environmental Protection

Journal article and New York Times story

Bomb Testing and Cancer
The International Journal of Health Services, 2010. The article is entitled: ELEVATED IN VIVO STRONTIUM-90 FROM NUCLEAR WEAPONS TEST FALLOUT AMONG CANCER DECEDENTS: A CASE-CONTROL STUDY OF DECIDUOUS TEETH.GDE Error: Error retrieving file – if necessary turn off error checking (404:Not Found)

The New York Times, December 16, 2010.Study of Baby Teeth Sees Radiation Effects
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Elevated In Vivo Strontium-90 from Nuclear Weapons Test Fallout Among Cancer Decedents: A Case-Control Study Using Deciduous Teeth.

A new and important article on the link between atomic bomb testing and cancer was published in The International Journal of Health Services on December 1st, 2010. The article is by Joseph Mangano and Dr. Janette Sherman. The article is entitled: ELEVATED IN VIVO STRONTIUM-90 FROM NUCLEAR WEAPONS TEST FALLOUT AMONG CANCER DECEDENTS: A CASE-CONTROL STUDY OF DECIDUOUS TEETH.

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Geographic Variations in U.S. Thyroid Cancer Incidence and a Cluster Near Nuclear Reactors in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

On November 16th, 2009, RPHP held a press conference announcing its findings that the rate of thyroid cancer cases in counties closest to the Indian Point nuclear plant 35 miles north of midtown Manhattan are the highest in New York State, and among the highest in the U.S.
These findings are substantiated in detail in Mr. Mangano’s article: Geographic Variation in U.S. Thyroid Cancer Incidence and a Cluster Near Nuclear Reactors in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania published in the International Journal of Health Services Volume 39, Number 4, 2009, pages 643 – 661.
Click here to read the article in its entirety

Click here to read the press release

Childhood Leukemia Near U.S. Nuclear Installations

An RPHP study on rising child leukemia rates near U.S. nuclear plants was published in the most recent issue of the European Journal of Cancer Care.  Congressman Edward Markey and actor Alec Baldwin both commented on the research and its importance.

Click here to read the article (pdf format)

Excess Mortality After Startup of a Nuclear Power Plant in Mississippi

International Journal of Health Services
Volume 38, Number 2, 2008
Joseph J. Mangano, MPH, MBA
American utilities are considering ordering new nuclear power reactors, which would be the first such orders in the U.S. since 1978. One potential site would be the Grand Gulf plant near Port Gibson, Mississippi. This report examines potential reasons why an indigent, largely African-American community may be at higher risk than other populations from exposure to an environmental toxin such as radiation. It also considers potential health risks posed by new reactors at Grand Gulf.

Click here to read this report

A Short Latency Between Radiation Exposure From Nuclear Plants And Cancer In Young Children

By Joseph J. Mangano, MPH, MBA
International Journal of Health ServicesMarch, 2006A new study by Joseph Mangano was announced in Trenton NJ on March 28, 2006, published in theInternational Journal of Health Services.The article was presented at a news conference at the NJ state capitol in Trenton, which featured Mangano, Dr. Donald Louria of New Jersey Medical School, and Suzanne Leta of the New Jersey Public Interest Research Group. The conference was covered by over a half-dozen newspapers, radio stations, and television stations from New Jersey.The article examines the link between in-body radiation and cancer risk Mangano’s paper showed that near the Brookhaven (NY), Indian Point (NY) and Oyster Creek (NJ) nuclear plants, trends in Strontium-90 in baby teeth and childhood cancer incidence were similar. With several hundred teeth and cancer cases used near each plant, the findings were highly significant. This research suggests a cause-and-effect link between radioactivity from reactors with cancer in local children.

Click here for the press release for Oyster Creek
Click here to read the Press Release for Indian Point

Strontium-90 in Deciduous Teeth as a Factor in Early Childhood Cancer

ay M. Gould, Ernest J. Sternglass, Janette D. Sherman, Jerry Brown, William McDonnell, Joseph J. Mangano.

International Journal of Health Services
Volume 30, Number 3, 2000, Pages 515-539.
Copyright Baywood Publishing Co., Inc.

Strontium-90 concentrations in deciduous (baby) teeth of 515 children born mainly after the end of worldwide atmospheric nuclear bomb tests in 1980 are found to equal the concentrations in children born during atmospheric tests in the late 1950s. Recent Sr-90 concentrations in the New York, New Jersey, Long Island metropolitan area have exceeded the expected downward trend seen in both baby teeth and adult bone after the 1963 ban on atmospheric testing. Sharp rises and declines are also seen in Miami, Florida. In Suffolk County, Long Island, Sr-90 concentrations in baby teeth were significantly correlated with cancer incidence for children 0 to 4 years of age. A similar correlation of childhood malignancies with the rise and decline of Sr-90 in deciduous teeth occurred during the peak years of fallout in the 1950s and 1960s.

Independent support for the relation between nuclear releases and childhood cancer is provided by a significant correlation with total alpha and beta activities in local surface water in Suffolk County. These results strongly support a major role of nuclear reactor releases in the increase of cancer and other immune-system-related disorders in young American children since the early 1980s.

Read a draft of the entire study